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Giving Stamford High School Youth "Real World" Perspective.


Setting up a foundation for future success in the workforce.

We connect Stamford's residents who are current high school junior and senior students - with priority given to our marginalized community with various internship opportunities to assist them in their efforts to achieve self-sufficiency.

Sam Essenfield

Westhill High


Class of 2019

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As an Engineering Assistant, I gained experience working both inside and outside of the office. Inside the office, I got to file papers and make spreadsheets for items like plans, which gave me the chance to both extend my excel skills and look over many small details that go into different projects that you would not necessarily think of. Outside of the office, I helped and observed coworkers at places like the new police station that is currently being built, Veterans Park, and different schools. At these places, I got to not only pair the places to the details on the plans from the office, but also worked on my communications skills while interacting with different contractors.



Interned at City of Stamford - Board of Education: Benefits

Sheyleen Perez-Vera



Class of 2019

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The Mayors youth employment program provided me access to the professional work environment and created a one of a kind experience. I learned professionalism, time management, and research/project skills. I was exposed to numerous opportunities to better my future such as resume/LinkedIn building, workplace dress code, and presentation skills. Overall, this program has allowed me to grow professionally and create new opportunities for myself using the skills I learned and connecting with the new people I’ve met. I’m extremely proud of everything I have accomplished this summer. I am confident that I am prepared for my future and for every new opportunity which comes my way. 


Interned at COMRADITY Strategy and Creative Resource

Noah Schaffer

Westhill High


Class of 2018


Working in the engineering bureau helped me learn not only about engineering, but about communicating your ideas in a way that everyone understands. I worked on several municipal projects, including the rehabilitation of a failing historic bridge, the construction of a new animal shelter, and the construction of a new police station. I also went to city government meetings regarding these projects. At these meetings, I learned that as an engineer, to have an idea is pointless if you cannot express your ideas to everyone. As an engineer for the city, and as an engineer anywhere for that matter, you will have to communicate your ideas to those who do not understand your field. How well you can communicate to that audience determines how well you can succeed.

            Interning in the engineering bureau gave me not only a taste of what it is like being an engineer by exposing me to real-world projects, but gave me a taste of the politics that are involved in engineering, and how to overcome such barriers.



Interned at the City of Stamford: Engineering Bureau 


AITE High School

Class of 2017

I worked at the Engineering Department relationship building is a major skill. Not only with my coworkers but with the numerous contractors, civil engineers, and architects that come in and out of the department. Coming here I realized that one person isn't able to accomplish a project by themselves but instead it takes the work of several people working together. The architect makes the drawings, the civil engineer checks and edits them, the contractors hire and build, there needs to be cooperation at every level in order to finish a project well and on time.


I'm able to build communication skills not only will the transition into the work force be easier but I will have more connections who will be able to help me along the way and whom I can also help. Not only have I built relationships with those around me but I also was not afraid to ask for advice or help, whether for college or a job or determining if engineering really is the thing for me. I've learned a lot and it feels like I've grown a lot as well, this is why I relationship building and networking is so beneficial.


Interned at City of Stamford - Engineering Department

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